Saturday, 23 February 2013

Playground Project

After the soft launch for the Guarded Neighbourhood programme, we have now kick-started the Playground Project.

After submission of the playground request done to the YDP, Datuk Bandar, today officers came to the site (proposed) to view the viability of the site.

Our President, Mr Ravivarma as well as Vice President, Mr Foo Koon Hoong was on site today briefing the officer on these playground related matters.

We hope to see the playground coming up sooner than we have ever thought.

For more pictures & information, please visit our Facebook :

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Security Guardhouse - HOTLINE

Dear Members and Residents,

Happy Chinese New Year and warm greetings from the Taman Bukit Blossom Residents Association !

Kindly take note of our 24 hrs security guardhouse hotline:-

Please do not hesitate to call our security officers if you need any help or assistance at anytime.
Kindly also take note that our security officers will not entertain any request via telephone to allow any visitor to enter our neighbourhood without proper registration.
Once again, thank you for your kind support and understanding and we look forward to serve you better !
Thank you.
Wamest Regards,
The Committee - TBBRA

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Matters Arising - Security Programme